2018 | |
 | Emeline Brulé, Gilles Bailly
Taking into account Sensory Knowledge: the case of Geo-techologies for children with visual impairments ACM CHI'18, 10 + 2 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] |
 | Yang Li, Samy Bengio, Gilles Bailly
Predicting Human Performance in Vertical Menu Selection Using Deep Learning ACM CHI'18, 6 + 1 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] |
2017 | |
 | Gilles Bailly
Command Selection and User Expertise on Desktop Workstation: Bridging the Gap between Interaction design and Modeling Thèse d'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR)
[Pdf] |
 | Emmanouil Giannisakis, Gilles Bailly, Sylvain Malacria, Fanny Chevalier
IconHK: Using Toolbar Button Icons to Communicate Keyboard Shortcuts ACM CHI'17, 10 + 2 pages.
[Pdf] [Video (2:13)] [Preview (0:30s)] [Bib] |
 | Wanyu Liu, Gilles Bailly, Andrew Howes
Effects of Frequency Distribution on Linear Menu Performance ACM CHI'17, 4 + 1 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] |
 | Rafael Morales, Caroline Appert, Gilles Bailly, Emmanuel Pietriga
Passive Yet Expressive TouchTokens ACM CHI'17, 4 + 1 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] |
 | Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet, Laurence Nigay
Visual Menu Techniques ACM Computer Survey (ACM CSUR'17), 41 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] |
 | Emeline Brulé, Gilles Bailly
Designing for inclusion: Examining Do-It-Yourself design activities ALTER Conference on Social Sciences and Disability, 2017)
[Pdf] [Bib] |
| Emeline Brulé, Gilles Bailly, Annie Gentès Social Class, School and Visual Impairments: Reflections from the field Workshop paper at IDC'17
| Thomas Pietrzak, Gilles Bailly, Sylvain Malacria Actuated Peripherals as Tangibles in Desktop Interaction ETIS 2017. 4 pages
| Marc Teyssier, Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet Exploring Multimodal Interactions with a Programmable Modular Pen ACM CHI EA 2017. 6 pages [Project page] [Video (2:13)] [Bib] |
| Marc Teyssier, Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet VersaPen: An Adaptable, Modular and Multimodal I/O Pen ACM CHI EA 2017. 6 pages [Project page] [Video (2:13)] [Bib] |
2016 | |
 | Thibaut Jacob, Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet, Gery Casiez, Marc Teyssier
Desktop Orbital Amera Motions Using Rotational Head Movements ACM SUI'16, 10 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] |
 | Hind Gacem, Gilles Bailly, James Eagan, Eric Lecolinet
Impact of Motorized Projection Guidance on Spatial Memory ACM SUI'16, 10 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] |
 | Gilles Bailly, Sidharth Sahdev, Sylvain Malacria, Thomas Pietrzak
LivingDesktop: Augmenting Desktop Workstation with Actuated Devices ACM CHI'16, 10+3 pages.
[Pdf] [Video (3:01)] [Madness (0:30s)] [Bib] [Project page] [Talk (.key)] [Talk (.pdf)] |
 | Rafael morales, Caroline Appert Gilles Bailly, Emmanuel Pietriga
TouchTokens: Guiding Touch Patterns with Passive Tokens ACM CHI'16, 10+4 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] [Video (0:30)] [Project page] CHI 2016 BEST PAPER HONORABLE MENTION AWARD |
 | Emmeline Brule, Gilles Bailly, Anke M. Brocke, Frederic Valentin, Gregoire Denis, Christophe Jouffrais
MapSense: Multi-Sensory Interactive Maps for Children Living with Visual Impairments ACM CHI'16, 10+3 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] [Project page] |
| David Jan Mercado, Gilles Bailly, Catherine Pelachaud Hold mY Hand Baby: Understanding Engagement through the Illustion of Touch between Human and Agent ACM CHI EA 2016. 6 pages
| Christian Frisson, Sylvain Malacria, Gilles Bailly, Thierry Dutoit InspectorWidget: A System to Analyze Users Behaviors in Their Applications ACM CHI EA 2016. 6 pages
| Alix Goguey, Sylvain Malacria, Gilles Bailly, Gery Casiez Etude de terrain sur l'utilisation des paves tactiles ACM IHM 2016. 4 pages
2015 | |
 | Aurelie Cohe, Bastien Liutkus, Gilles Bailly, James Eagan, Eric Lecolinet
SchemeLens: A Content-Aware Vector-Based Fisheye Technique for Navigating Large Systems Diagrams IEEE InfoVis'15, 10 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] |
 | Martin Weigel, Tong Lu, Gilles Bailly, Antti Oulasvirta, Carmel Majidi, and Juergen Steimle
iSkin: Flexible, Stretchable and Visually Customizable On-Body Touch Sensors for Mobile Computing ACM CHI'15, 10 pages.
[Pdf] [Video (4:37)] [Bib] [Project page] CHI 2015 BEST PAPER AWARD |
 | Xiliu Chen, Gilles Bailly, Duncan P. Brumby, Antti Oulasvirta and Andrew Howes
The Emergence of Interactive Behavior: A Model of Rational Menu Search ACM CHI'15, 10 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] |
 | Quentin roy, Yves Guiard, Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet, Olivier Rioul
Glass+Skin: An Empirical Evaluation of the Added Value of Finger Identification to Basic Single-Touch Interaction on Touch Screens IFIP INTERACT'15, 18 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] |
 | Hind Gacem, Gilles Bailly, James Eagan, Eric Lecolinet
Finding Objects Faster in Dense Environments using a Projection Augmented Robotic Arm IFIP INTERACT'15, 18 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] |
| Sarthak Ghosh, Gilles Bailly, Robin Despouys, Eric Lecolinet, Remi Sharrock SuperVision: Spatial Control of Connected Objects in a Smart Home ACM CHI EA 2015. 6 pages
| Mathieu Berthellemy, Elodie Cayez, Marwan Ajem, Gilles Bailly, Sylvain Malacria, Eric Lecolinet Chord Pad, LociPad & In-OutPad: Trois techniques pour Explorer l’interaction gestuelle sur pavé tactile ACM IHM 2015. 6 pages
| Emeline Brule, Gilles Bailly, Annie Genstes Identifier les besoins des enfants en situation de déficience visuelle : état de l’art et étude de terrain ACM IHM 2015. 10 pages
2014 | |
 | Gilles Bailly, Antti Oulasvirta
Towards Optimal Menu Designs ACM Interactions.
 | Gilles Bailly, Antti Oulasvirta, Duncan P. Brumby, Andrew Howes
Model of Visual Search and Selection Time in Linear Menus ACM CHI'14, 10 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] [Project page] CHI 2013 HONORABLE MENTION |
 | Robert Walter, Gilles Bailly, Nina Valkanova, Joerg Mueller
Cuenesics: Using Mid-Air Gestures to Select Items on Interactive Public Displays ACM MobileHCI'14, 10 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] Mobile HCI'14 HONORABLE MENTION |
 | Joerg Mueller, Gilles Bailly, Thor Bossuyt, Nicklas Hillgren
MirrorTouch: Combining Touch and Mid-air Gestures for Public Displays ACM MobileHCI'14, 10 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] |
| Thomas Pietrzak, Sylvain Malacria, Gilles Bailly, CtrlMouse et TouchCtrl : Dupliquer les Delimiteurs de Mode sur la Souris ACM IHM 2014. 8 pages
| Thomas Pietrzak, Sylvain Malacria, Gilles Bailly, ControlMouse et TouchControl : Dupliquer les Delimiteurs de Mode sur la Souris ACM IHM Demo 2014. 8 pages
| Thibaut Jacob, Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet, Raphael Foulon, Etienne Cortel Un espace de caracterisation pour l'edition de courbes à trois dimensions ACM IHM 2014. 8 pages
| Hind Gacem, Gilles Bailly, James Eagan, Eric Lecolinet A design space of guidance techniques for large and dense physical environments ACM IHM 2014. 8 pages
| Sarthak Gosh, Gilles Bailly, Robin Despouys, Eric Lecolinet, Remi Sharrock SuperVision : controler spatialement les objets connectes dans une maison intelligente ACM IHM TEC 2014. 6 pages
| Thibault Jacob, Gilles Bailly Controler la camera dans un logiciel 3D avec la tete ACM IHM demo 2014. 6 pages
2013 | |
 | Gilles Bailly, Antti Oulasvirta, Timo Koetzing, Sabrina Hoppe
MenuOptimizer: Interactive Optimization of Menu Systems ACM UIST'13, 11 pages.
[Pdf] [Video (3:59)] [Talk] [Bib] |
 | Gilles Bailly, Thomas Pietrzak, Jonathan Deber, Daniel Wigdor
Metamorphe: Augmenting Hotkey Usage with Actuated Keys ACM CHI'13, 10 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] [Video (3:24)] [Video (4:23)] [Video (30s)] |
| Gilles Bailly, Thomas Pietrzak, Jonathan Deber, Daniel Wigdor Metamorphe: Applications for Shape-Changing Keyboards ACM CHI EA'13
 | Sylvain Malacria, Gilles Bailly, Joel Harrison, Andy Cockburn, Carl Gutwin
Promoting Hotkey Use through Rehearsal with ExposeHK ACM CHI'13, 10 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] |
 | Constantin Schmidt, Jöerg Müller, Gilles Bailly
Screenfinity: Extending the Perception Area of Content on Very Large Public Displays ACM CHI'13, 10 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] [Video (4:02)] CHI 2013 BEST PAPER AWARD |
 | Robert Walter, Gilles Bailly, Jörg Müller
StrikeAPose: Revealing Mid-Air Gestures on Public Displays ACM CHI'13, 10 pages.
[Pdf] [Video (4:54)] CHI 2013 HONORABLE MENTION |
| Gilles Bailly, Sylvain Malacria MenuInspector: Outil et Applications ACM IHM 2013. 4 pages
2012 | |
 | Gilles Bailly, Joerg Mueller, Eric Lecolinet
Design and Evaluation of Finger-Count Interaction: Combining Multitouch gestures and Menus Journal of Human Computer Studies (IJHCS), 25 pages.
[Pdf] [Bib] [Project page] |
 | Sven Kratz, Dennis Guse, Michael Rohs, Joerg Mueller, Gilles Bailly, Michael Nischt
SideSpace: Exploring Continuous 3D Gestures Aside a Handheld Device ACM AVI'12, 8 pages.
[Pdf (online)] [Pdf (cached)] [Bib] [Video] |
 | Gilles Bailly, Joerg Mueller, Michael Rohs, Daniel Wigdor, Sven Kratz
ShoeSense: A New Perspective on Hand Gestures and Wearable Applications ACM CHI'12, 10 pages.
[Pdf (online)] [Pdf (cached)] [Bib] [Project page] [Video] [Talk] [Madness] |
| Gilles Bailly, Joerg Mueller, Michael Rohs, Daniel Wigdor, Sven Kratz, Dennis Guse ShoeSense: A New Perspective on Hand Gestures and Wearable Applications Demonstration at ACM CHI'12
 | Joerg Mueller, Robert Walter, Gilles Bailly, Michael Nischt, Florian Alt
Looking Glass: A Field Study on Noticing Interactivity of a Shop Window ACM CHI'12, 10 pages.
[Pdf (online)] [Pdf (cached)] [Bib] [Video] [Project page] CHI 2012 BEST PAPER AWARD |
| Joerg Mueller, Robert Walter, Gilles Bailly, Michael Nischt, Florian Alt Looking Glass: A Field Study on Noticing Interactivity of a Shop Window Video at ACM CHI'12. |
 | Maurice ten Koppel, Gilles Bailly, Joerg Mueller, Robert Walter
Chained Displays: Configurations of Public Displays can be used to influence Actor-, Audience-, and Passer-By Behavior ACM CHI'12, 10 pages. [Pdf (online)] [Pdf (cached)] [Bib] [Project page] [Talk] |
| Joerg Mueller, Maurice ten Koppel, Gilles Bailly, Robert Walter Nimbus & Focus: The Impact of Architectural Design on Public Displays ACM CHI EA'12, 3 pages. [Pdf] [Bib] [Project page] |
2011 | |
 | Gilles Bailly, Dong-Bach Vo, Eric Lecolinet, Yves Guiard
Gesture-Aware Remote Controls: Guidelines and Interaction Techniques ACM ICMI'11, 8 pages [Pdf (online)] [Pdf (cached)] [Bib] [Project page] [Video] [Talk] |
 | Dong-Bach Vo, Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet, Yves Guiard
Un espace de caracterisation de la telecommande dans le contexte de la television interactive ACM IHM'11. 8 pages. [Pdf] [Bib] [Project page] |
 | Simon Perrault, Gilles Bailly, Yves Guiard, Eric Lecolinet
Promesses et contraintes de la joaillerie numerique interactive : Un apercu de l'etat de l'art ACM IHM'11, 4 pages. [Pdf] [Bib] |
 | Gilles Bailly, Robert Walter, Joerg Muller, Tongyan Ning and Eric Lecolinet
Comparing Free Hand Menu Techniques for Distant Displays using Linear, Marking and Finger-Count Menus. IFIP INTERACT'11, pages XX. [Pdf] [Bib] [Project page] [Video] [Talk] |
| Tongyan Ning, Joerg Muller, Robert Walter, Gilles Bailly, Chat Wacharamanotham and Florian Alt and Jan Borchers No Need to Stop: Menu Techniques for Passing by Public Displays. ACM CHI EA'11 (Large Displays in Urban Life). [Pdf] [Bib] |
 | Alexandre Viard, Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet and Emmanuel Fritsch
Augmenting Quantum-GIS For Collaborative And Interactive Tabletops Advances in cartography and GISScience. Vol. 1. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, 2011, Part 3, 293-307 [Pdf] [Bib] [Project page] |
2010 |
 | Jeremie Franconne, Gilles Bailly, Laurence Nigay and Eric Lecolinet
Wavelet Menus on Handheld Devices: Stacking Metaphor for Novice Mode and Eyes-Free Selection for Expert Mode ACM AVI'10, [Pdf] [Bib] [Project page] [Video] |
 | Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet and Yves Guiard
Finger-Count and Radial-Stroke Shortcuts: Two Techniques for Augmenting Linear Menus ACM CHI'10, p. 591-594 [Pdf (online)] [Pdf (cached)] [Bib] [Project page] [Video] [Talk] [Madness] |
2009 |
 | Anne Roudaut, Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet and Laurence Nigay
Leaf Menus: Linear Menus with Stroke Shortcuts for Small Handheld Devices IFIP INTERACT'09 [Pdf] [Bib] [Project page] [Video] |
 | Gilles Bailly
Technique de menus : Caracterisation, Conception et Evaluation Ph.D thesis (University of Grenoble, France) [Pdf] |
 | Muhammad Tahir, Gilles Bailly, Yves Guiard and Eric Lecolinet
Tactipod : Tactile Assistance for Selecting List Favorites with a Bifocal Absolute and Relative Presentatio ACM CHINL'09 [Pdf] [Bib] [Video] |
| Jeremie Francone, Gilles Bailly, Laurence Nigay and Eric Lecolinet Wavelet menus : une adaptation des Wave menus sur dispositifs mobiles ACM IHM'09. [Pdf] [Bib] [Project page] [Video] |
| Gilles Bailly Techniques d'interaction multi-touch : exploiter les degres de liberte de la main TouchCamp (invited talk). [Talk] |
| Jeremie Francone, Gilles Bailly, Laurence Nigay and Eric Lecolinet Wavelet Menus: A Stacking Metaphor for Adapting Marking Menus to Mobile Devices ACM MOBILEHCI'09 (demo) [Pdf (online)] [Bib] [Project page] [Video] |
2008 |
 | Muhammad Tahir, Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet and Gerard Mouret
TactiMote: a tactile remote controle for navigating in long lists ACM ICMI'08 [Pdf (online)] [Bib] [Video] |
 | Gilles Bailly, Anne Roudaut, Eric Lecolinet and Laurence Nigay
Menus Leaf : Enrichir les menus lineaires par des gestes ACM IHM'08 [Pdf] [Bib] [Project page] [Video] |
 | Gilles Bailly, Alexandre Demeure, Eric Lecolinet and Laurence Nigay
MultiTouch Menu (MTM) ACM IHM'08 [Pdf (online)] [Bib] [Video] |
 | Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet and Laurence Nigay
Flower Menus: A New Type of Marking Menus with Large Menu Breadth, Within Groups and Efficient Expert Mode Memorization ACM AVI'08 [Pdf (online)] [Pdf (cached)] [Bib] [Project page] [Video] [Talk] |
 | Nicolas Thierry-Mieg, Gilles Bailly
Interpool: Interpreting Smart-Pooling Results. Journal of bioinformatics [Pdf] |
2007 |
 | Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet and Laurence Nigay
Quinze Ans de Recherche sur les Menus : Critères et Proprietes des Techniques de Menus ACM IHM'07. [Pdf] [Bib] [Talk] |
 | Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet and Laurence Nigay
Wave Menus : Improving the novice mode of Marking Menus IFIP INTERACT'07 [Bib] |
| Gilles Bailly Technique de menus : Description, Developpement et Evaluation Rencontre doctorale (IHM'07). |
 | Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet, Laurence Nigay
ARemote: A tangible interface for selecting TV channels IFIP ICAT'07 |
2006 |
| Gilles Bailly, Laurence Nigay, David Auber Environnement augmente pour l\interaction de graphes biologiques Poster Paristic. [Pdf] |
 | Gilles Bailly, Laurence Nigay, David Auber
From Visualization to Manipulation of RNA Secondary and Tertiary structures London IV'06 |
| Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet, Laurence Nigay critères et proprietes des techniques de menus RJC'06, Rencontre Jeunes chercheurs [Pdf] |
2005 |
 | Gilles Bailly, Laurence Nigay, David Auber
2M: un espace de conception pour l'interaction bi-manuelle ACM UBIMOB'05 |
| Gilles Bailly Interaction bi-manuelle pour la manipulation de graphes biologiques. Master thesis (french). [Pdf] |